All the rules mentioned on this page must be strictly adhered to in order for you to keep being a part of the #Savings community. Not learning and reading properly about the conditions mentioned on our website and then complaining to us in any way will not help you with any settlement. We take no responsibility in case you miss getting yourself familiar with the privacy conditions.
The sole purpose of, a coupon and deal website, is to provide you with the most recent and up-to-date online coupons and deals available worldwide. You can find tons of deals to give you big discounts on your favorite brands all while keeping you in budget in these times of inflation.
You don't need to provide us with any information in order to take advantage of these discounts; all you have to do is click on the offer that best fits your budget to be sent to the relevant online retailer. With the most up-to-date coupons from premium brands in the US (and worldwide) provided by, you may save even more money. Our approach is to provide our clients with interesting offers and deals that let them stick to a super-saving budget.
We Also Provide You With Easily Accessible Daily Offers And Deals Through Our Portal. This method only links you to their own websites and shall not be held accountable for any information theft or misuse. Only those customers who have signed up for our newsletters will receive the special offers.
How We Keep/Process your Personal Information
The user's email address, city and country, and deal preferences are among the personal data we gather. Based on their interests, we utilize the information to send our users the Daily Deal Newsletter. Users can unsubscribe from receiving newsletters at any moment if they so want.
- We Don't Rent Or Sell Your Personal Data To Outside Parties. Your personal information is only collected in order to provide the best deals that match your interests directly to your inbox.
- We only keep the customer's or affiliates' contact information on file in order to ensure prompt and effective communication with them. Our Systems' Contact Information Enables Us to Contact the customers in case we wish to deliver any new information regarding our services.
- To contact you, we could use your email address, postal code, phone number, social media accounts, or even your website. Furthermore, in order to provide you with the best service possible, we are very eager to learn about your preferences.
- We also value your feedback and would like to Know Which of Our Thousands of Stores and Offers You Select as Your Favorite. This enables us to provide you with even better and more options for those stores and specific brands, giving your whole experience value.
How do we collect your Information?
The simple answer? Through all the legal ways!
The most crucial personal data is gathered when you initially register with us.
Creating an Account
When you create an account to advertise and create coupons with us, when you subscribe to our monthly newsletter, or when you sign up to reveal your discount deals and coupon codes with us, information is collected.
When you use our Website
Additionally, we do obtain your personal information through cookies and cache when you use our blog, leave comments on our website, contact us for advertising and other official purposes, or post in a forum about us.
Through our Apps
Furthermore, there may be terms and conditions that we have set for our Android apps and social media apps that you must abide by. Thus, by choosing to use such apps, you accept our privacy policy and give the app permission to store personal data about you.
Note: No matter how you use, we collect and safeguard your information. Your personal information is never misused or used to send unsolicited emails or texts to address boxes.
How we Use Cookies?
Additionally, "cookies" and web server logs are used by to gather data about how visitors use our website. Cookies are a feature of your web browser that holds small amounts of data to help you customize your online experience. You may always disable cookies from being collected by going to the settings of your web browser.
Through the use and acceptance of cookies we track:
- The duration of a visit
- The time spent on our site
- The pages seen
- The websites visited immediately before and immediately after our site
This data is gathered in an aggregate manner and does not include any personal information about you. This is all intended to learn more about our customer care and services working well for you.
If you find our team violating your information in any way, you can Contact Us at any time!